Links are provided that will lead you to various sources of information that provide regulatory standards for visual aids and upcoming events that will increase your knowledge of visual aids technology. These sites include the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), Canada Ministry of Transport and updates on the Canadian Airports National Electrical Workshop CANEW
FAA Advisory Circulars - Airport Lighting
Canada Ministry of Transport, 300 series documents, Aerodromes and Airports
The Illuminating Engineering Society Airport Lighting Committee is starting to take a more active role in the development of FAA standards dealing with the needs, development and installation of airport lighting visual aids, the key to help the pilot perform safe landings and take offs. Assuming the FAA is willing to collaborate with the airport lighting industry in this venture it will provide improved safety. This site will keep you informed.
This website desires to present to the viewer as much history regarding the evolution of airport visual aids. Check our archives section for a number of offerings associated with the history of our expertise. Included in our offering are copies of early Crouse-Hinds catalogs and documents that depict the way it use to be. This is an ongoing process and at this time on this site the complete 1929 Airport and Airways Lighting Equipment Catalog and the 1939 Airport Lighting Equipment Catalog is available for viewing at the following links.
1929 Crouse -Hinds Airport and Airways lighting Catalog
1939 Crouse-Hinds Airport Lighting Equipment
Airport Lighting Civil Aeronautics Bulletin #10 Revised 3/1/41